Test method development

What is behind the term method development? At the beginning there is one or more questions in the room, for example:

How does ... behave?
What is the effect of ...?
What happens when ...?
Is ... suitable?

These questions lead to the concrete task, which we solve together with you.

We support you from the start

Ideally, the cooperation in a method development with our customers does not start with the implementation of a specification for a test bench, but already with the discussion and definition of the fundamental question. From our own many years of experience, it has proven useful to discuss and concretize the objective once again with outside experts even before the technical development or implementation of a test or inspection method. Because only those who know the actual objective will also find the appropriate ways and means to achieve it.

From the question to the design

After defining the solution path and the requirements for the method, the 2nd phase of development begins in addition to the research, in which a concept and finally a design are developed methodically. In the 3rd phase, the design is then realized either by building a prototype or the final method. The validation of the method takes place either after consultation at nexiss or by the customer himself.

Creative solution sought!

One of nexiss' strengths in method development lies in its openness to new ideas and its ability to scale the complex conditions of practical application to the test bench or laboratory scale. The challenge here is to reduce everything to the parameters that are really relevant for solving the problem. Therefore, we at nexiss attach great importance to the clarification and precision of the task. Most of our customers take advantage of our offer of an individual workshop. This is the best way to determine and evaluate the details. At the same time, the basis for a successful personal relationship is created here. In our view, an open and trusting relationship is crucial for successful cooperation, especially in development projects. For example, maintaining confidentiality even without signed non-disclosure agreements is a matter of course for us.

We also think further!

When working with our customers, we constantly change our perspective and also look at solutions from the partner's point of view. In this way, we usually provide more than agreed.

For example, test systems according to ASTM D4340 from nexiss therefore not only offer additional sensors (temperature detection of the fluid, pressure detection in the test column) and continuous measured value recording, but also practical details to facilitate daily operation (swivel mechanism for filling and emptying the test column).

Reliable results despite time pressure

The greatest challenge in method development is time pressure. Therefore, it is important to work with partners who also enable close cooperation and have the corresponding technical and methodological expertise. On the one hand, these competencies provide the security of being fast and reliable in implementation. On the other hand, they make it possible to take sufficient time to clarify the initial question and to choose the implementation and the means. It is precisely this time gained that is crucial for success.